Complete multi - purpose 12 - bit ADC | Heisener Electronics
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Complete multi - purpose 12 - bit ADC

Technology Cover
投稿日: 2023-04-09, Analog Devices Inc.

The AD1674 is a complete multipurpose 12-bit ADC consisting of a user transparent onboard sampling-hold amplifier (SHA), a 10-volt reference, a clock, and a three-state output buffer for microprocessor interfaces.

The AD1674 is compatible with industry standards AD574A and AD674A, but includes sampling capabilities while providing faster conversion rates. The on-chip SHA has a wide input bandwidth, supporting 12-bit accuracy over the converter's full Nyquist bandwidth.

The AD1674 fully specifies AC parameters (such as S/(N+D) ratio, THD and IMD) and DC parameters (offset, full-scale error, etc.). Available in both AC and DC specifications, the AD1674 is ideal for signal processing and traditional DC measurement applications. The AD1674 design is implemented using Analog Devices' BiMOS II process, allowing high performance bipolar analog circuits to be combined with digital CMOS logic on the same die. There are five different temperature levels to choose from.

The AD1674J and K grades are specified to operate in the temperature range 0°C to +70°C. Grades A and B specify from -40°C to +85°C; The AD1674T is rated from -55°C to +125°C. J and K grades are available in 28 lead plastic DIP and SOIC. Class A and Class B devices are available for 28-pin sealing ceramic DIps and 28-pin SOics. Grade T is available with 28 lead seal ceramic DIP.

AD1674 Schematic diagram


AD1674 Pin arrangement


Product characteristics

1. Industry standard pin :AD1674 uses industry standards AD574A and AD674A to establish the pin.

2. Integrated SHA: AD1674 has integrated SHA that supports the full Nyquist bandwidth of the converter. The SHA function is transparent to users; There is no wait state for SHA acquisition.

3. Dc and AC specifications: In addition to traditional DC specifications, the AD1674 fully specifies frequency-domain AC parameters such as total harmonic distortion, signal-to-noise ratio, and input bandwidth. These parameters can be tested and guaranteed as a result of the on-board SHA.

4. Analog operation: Precision, laser trim scaling and bipolar bias resistors offer four calibration ranges :0 V to +10 V and 0 V to +20 V monopole, -5 V to +5 V and -10 V to +10 V bipolar. The AD1674 operates on +5 V and ±12 V or ±15 V power supplies. 5. Flexible digital interface: on-chip multi-mode tristate output buffer and interface logic allow direct connection to most microprocessors.
