High efficiency, high voltage, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter | Heisener Electronics
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High efficiency, high voltage, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter

Technology Cover
投稿日: 2023-03-24, Maxim Integrated

The MAX17501 High efficiency, high voltage, synchronous step-down DC-DC converter integrates mosfet to operate in the input voltage range of 4.5V to 60V. The compact TDFN package is used. Simulation models are available, and the device provides a fixed 3.3V, 5V or adjustable output voltage (0.9V to 92%VIN) while providing up to 500mA of current. The output voltage is accurate to ±1.7% at -40°C to +125°C.

Pin Configuration


The device has peak current mode control and pulse width modulation (PWM). Users can choose between pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) or forced-PWM devices. PFM devices skip pulses for higher efficiency under light loads, while forced pwm devices operate at a fixed switching frequency under any load for noise-sensitive applications.

Low resistance, on-chip MosFeTs ensure high efficiency at full load and simplify layout. The programmable soft boot feature allows users to reduce input inrush. The device also contains an output enable/undervoltage locking pin (EN/UVLO) that allows the user to open the part at the desired input voltage level. The leak-opening RESET pin provides a delayed, well-powered signal to the system after successfully adjusting the output voltage.

Block Diagram

