The CY29973 has an integrated PLL that provides low-skew and low-jitter clock outputs for high-performance microprocessors. Three independent banks of four outputs and an independent PLL feedback output, FB_OUT, provide exceptional flexibility for possible output configurations. The PLL is ensured stable operation given that the VCO is configured to run between 200 MHz to 480 MHz. This allows a wide range of output frequencies up to125 MHz
The ADS8331 is a low-power, 16-bit, 500 k per second sampling (SPS) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with unipolar 4-to-1 multiplexer (mux) input. These converters are available in 24-pin, 4 × 4 VQFN and 24-pin TSSOP packages, fully specified for operation in the industrial temperature range -40°C to 85°C.
The DS1866 Log Trimmer Potentiometer is a single volatile digital potentiometer having eight positions with a 5-dB resolution per step. The device provides an ideal method for low-cost trimming or volume control using a CPU or manual control input. The device's wiper position is set to one of eight positions by a 3-terminal parallel port. The value of the device the wiper position is determined by the P0, P1, and P2 port pins.
The AT89C1051 is a low-voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 1K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable Read-only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel's high-density non-volatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS-51 instruction set. Provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution for many embedded control applications
The ADG419 is a monolithic CMOS SPDT switch. The switch is designed using an enhanced LC2 MOS process that provides low power consumption while providing high switching speed, low resistance and low leakage current.
The DP83865 is a fully featured Physical Layer transceiver with integrated PMD sublayers to support 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX and 1000BASE-T Ethernet protocols.
The 33290 is a serial link bus interface device designed to provide a two-way half-duplex communication interface for automotive diagnostic applications. Ambient temperature :-40ºC≤TA≤125ºC, 8.0 V≤VBB≤18v power supply. The economical SO-8 surface-mount plastic packaging makes the 33290 very cost effective.
The WM9001 is a powerful, high-quality speaker driver that can run in Class D or AB mode, giving system designers complete flexibility. Available in 3x3mm QFN packaging, ideal for portable systems such as mobile phones, portable navigation devices, media players, laptops and electronic dictionaries.
The AD844 is a high speed monolithic operational amplifier fabricated using the Analog Devices, Inc., junction isolated complementary bipolar (CB) process. It combines high bandwidth and very fast large signal response with excellent dc performance. Although optimized for use in current-to-voltage applications and as an inverting mode amplifier, it is also suitable for use in many noninverting applications.
The RT9011 is a dual channel, low noise, and low dropout regulator sourcing up to 300mA at each channel. The range of output voltage is from 1.2V to 3.6V by operating from 2.5V to 5.5V input.
The MIC5239 is a low quiescent current, µCap low-dropout regulator. With a maximum operating input voltage of 30V and a quiescent current of 23 µA, it is ideal for supplying keep-alive power in systems with high voltage batteries
The KA3524 Regulated pulse Width modulator contains all control circuits needed to implement any polarity switch regulator, transformer coupled DC to DC converters, transformer free polarity converters and voltage multipliers, and other power control applications. The regulator output transistor and each output switch are internal current limiting, and an internal heat shutdown circuit is used to limit junction temperature.
The TPS61195 provides highly integrated solutions for large-size LCD backlighting. This device has a built-in high efficiency boost regulator with integrated 2.5A/50V power MOSFET. The eight current sink regulators provide high precision current regulation and matching. In total, the device can support up to 96 LEDs. Unused sinks are disabled by tying them to ground. The boost output automatically adjusts its voltage to the WLED forward voltage to improve efficiency
The TRF1223 is a highly integrated linear transmitter / power amplifier (PA) MMIC. The chip has two 16-dB gain steps that provide a total of 32-dB gain control via 1-bit TTL control signals. The chip also integrates a TTL mute function that turns off the amplifiers for power critical or TDD applications
The AH277A is an integrated Hall sensor with an output driver designed for brushless DC motor electronic interchange. The device includes an on-chip Hall sensor for magnetic sensing, an amplifier that amplifies Hall voltage, a Schmidt flip-flop that provides switching hysteresis to suppress noise, a temperature compensation circuit that compensates Hall sensitivity temperature drift, and two complementary open collector drivers to reduce large load currents.
The Single output IVB01 series is the ideal solution for isolating voltage rails in distributed power architectures such as analog, digital, data and relay circuits. The product line features a compact, durable design with high efficiency, 3.0kV functional isolation, short circuit protection and high operating temperature.
The TPS764xx family of low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulators offers the benefits of a low noise, low-dropout voltage, low-power operation, and miniaturized package. Additionally, they feature low quiescent current when compared to conventional LDO regulators. Offered in 5-terminal small outline integrated-circuit SOT-23 package, the TPS764xx series devices are ideal for low-noise applications, cost-sensitive designs and applications where board space is at a premium.
The UCC3837 Linear Regulator Controller includes all the features required for an extremely low dropout linear regulator that uses an external N-channel MOSFET as the pass transistor. The device can operate from input voltages as low as 3V and can provide high current levels, thus providing an efficient linear solution for custom processor voltages, bus termination voltages, and other logic level voltages below 3V.